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                                                                          Management features

                                                                      Ski instructor training program                                                                 


                                                                          Building Relationships 


Instructors interact with guest more than any other employees, so they have a big impact on creating new skiers and increasing revenue. The emotional connection they have with guests builds loyalty.


                                                                           Training Instructors


Instructor turnover is high, the average instructor only teaches three seasons. Hiring enough instructors can be challenging, especially if you are far from a city. There are many issues: lack of employee housing, high cost of living in a resort town, it is seasonal work, low pay, affordable season passes are an alternative, higher wages at other business like restaurants, and the hours are variable so some days there is little if any work.


There are many new instructors to train with very little time, and small resorts may not have a training staff, so there can be minimal training and a lot of on the job training. Training instructors needs to affordable and not take years. Instructor performance is best assessed when teaching real lessons.


                                                                               Effective Teaching                                                                    


Building great relationships in important, but if guests don't experience enough success they may think skiing is not for them and not return. So it takes more than good building relationships, it takes effective teaching.


                                                                                Focus on control


Most lessons are beginners or recreational skiers. The average skier skis about six times a season and may not be fit, athletic, or interested in expert skiing, especially when they understand the time, fitness, and desire that is required.


Programs that emphasise movements for expert carving from the start can create guests who ski fast with little control. Our program focuses on movements to make more turns, rather than carving.   


                                                                                   Timeless turns


People apply the way they move naturally to skiing rather than making ski moves which are opposite the way people move naturally (leaning back, turning the upper body, and leaning inside a turn). It is very hard to replace these natural moves without clear and consistent goals. If the goals are regularly changing there can be confusion for instructors and guests that will make it even harder to improve. Our training program provides consistent, visual goals that have been tested for years with real lessons. These goals make a set of challenges to movate guest like playing a video game, and provides them with a score.


                                                                                   Guest specific                                                                                 


Each person is different, the creative part of teaching is finding out how they learn. Instructors must ask questions and be very attentive to what they say and do. Going at the proper pace is critical, going too fast can create fear or frustration, and going too slow can be boring. Some want a lot of feedback, while others like more time to try it on their own. Every guest has different expectations about easy it will be, so helping to create the right expectations, that it takes time and practice is important.


                                                                                More information 


Even when promoting lessons, many guests will try to learn without them, so providing information is important. First timers need to know a lot about what to wear, equipment, and that it will take time and practice. They need to know where to start, how to stop and turn, and when to go to the next hill. Safety information is an important, they must be able to ski in control and not ski into anyone in front of them, and the other parts of "Your Responsibility Code" 


                                                                                 Private lessons


Guest often choose group lessons because they are cheaper or they are the only lessons available during busy periods. Snowsports schools like group lessons because they are profitable and require fewer instructors. 


There is a wide range of ability, motivation, and rate of learning among first timers. Some learn very fast and others very slow. This makes it hard to have a great experience for the instructor and guests.


The demand for private lessons is growing , they provide the best experience, and with a high volume revenue of privates there is high revenue and more growth.


                                                      Quality Assurance


Quality assurance programs go beyond  


Customer reviews


Instructor request rate

Instructor certification


Instructor performance is assessed against a quality standard when teaching actual lessons.






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