Innovative Solutions to
Generate more revenue
Reduce expenses
Improve quality
Independent Schools
Replace or supplement your school with one or more independent schools
Proven with more than 50 years of success in Europe and parts of the US
Eliminate the need to hire, train, schedule, and evaluate a large staff
​​Generate more food, beverage, and retail revenue
Create greater preseason lift and rental sales
Provide more lessons that increase growth and safety
Book an Instructor
Give customers more choices by selecting their private lesson instructors
Guests have a better experiences and purchase more lessons and packages
Proven to increase revenue up to 3X
Reduce the work of choosing instructors
Guests search by date, time, type, level, age or other variables, and see only available instructors qualified to teach that lesson
Photos and videos are displayed
Instructors listed in order by customer ratings and your internal rating
​Customers like who they select, so there are few complaints
​Generate more preseason revenue when guests book early to get their favorite instructors
​Reduce instructor turnover by enabling them to build relationships with guest and earn more income
​​​ Software to book an instructor
Training program
Competition improves quality and provides a marketplace of programs
Ski resorts can be like golf with top instructors providing popular programs at major resorts. In the early days of ski instructing, skiers could choose the programs they preferred
The Greatinginstructing.com ski instructor training program increases growth and safety
​Most instructors only teach for about three years. Our instructor training program is quicker than traditional career training
The majority of lessons are first time skiers or recreational skiers who ski fewer than six times a season, we focus on their needs
Safety is a big problem, our emphasis is on control with instruction for fast carving later if desired​
The average skier only skis about six times a season, our indoor program helps them improve and have more fun before skiing​
Our quality assurance program assess the outcome of customers in real lessons improves lesson quality
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